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This is

The Active Youth Brightening Minds

Here, we interview leading figures who specialize in topics ranging from marine biology to entrepreneurship and even education.


Through the various voices, we want to inspire our members, learn new things, expand our network, and seek out new opportunities. 


If you would like to listen to The Active Youth Brightening Minds, click here or the following icon.


You can find all other interviews here:

Our interviewees

Viviane Beiró

Viviane is an environmental engineer with 12 years of experience in the sector of water and sanitation. She is very passionate about the sea and likes to surf, too. She is the CEO of Rumbo Clean Coast and is currently working as a senior project engineer at SUEZ. She has created many initiatives and expositions, such as the ArtUp project and "Operació Aigua".


If you would like to hear more about her and her opinion, you can listen to our interview by clicking here.

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