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Impacts Of Climate Change: How Can We Contribute To Stopping It?

Written by Khalifah Al Zahran

Edited by Hanna Karasinska, Emil Koch, & Sindi Hoti

What Is Climate Change?

Climate change refers to temperature fluctuations that impact climate patterns. Human activities, such as excessive use of CFC gas, air pollution by CO2 levels, and deforestation, negatively impact the environment's quality.

CO2 trapped in the earth's atmosphere contributes to the greenhouse effect since the gas cannot escape into space. The result of this is global warming.

Co2, nature, global warming
Designer: Shravani Prashant Powale

How Can Young Generations Take Part in Solving This Problem?

The future lies in the hands of the youngest generation; however, it is essential to understand that climate action begins with you, with every individual. The ActiveYouth Team encourages everyone to participate in tackling this issue through various means:

bag, bicycle, recycling
Designer: Shravani Prashant Powale

1.) Using Bicycles and Public Transportation

Limit the use of cars and motorbikes for short distances, and instead start the habit of walking or using a bicycle. This reduces the emission of greenhouse gasses. For longer distances, consider utilizing mass public transportation such as buses and trains.

2.) Using Canvas Shopping Bags

Using shopping bags, whether made out of canvas or other long-lasting, eco-friendly materials, can minimize the usage of single-use plastic bags. Accumulated plastic waste takes longer to decompose and generates methane gas during the process, posing threats to air quality and human health. Shopping bags that can be used multiple times will help combat such implications.

3.) Go green!

Planting trees, no matter how small plays a critical role in neutralizing CO2 in the air and refreshing our environment. In the process of growing plants - big or small, it is vital that we utilize organic fertilizers or compost produced at home given their cost-effectiveness and eco-friendliness, compared to such products bought in stores.

4.) Join us

As a non-profit organization focused on the environment, The ActiveYouth team invites you to join our efforts in climate change, waste issues, and other environmental problems. We aim to build a multicultural space where we can all contribute positively to our society whilst tackling current global issues.


References: (04/19/2023, GMT +8)

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