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One-way ticket to HOHID: A look at our future without environmental awareness

Written by Safira Eguia

The lava apocalypse of earth

Has it ever crossed your mind that if one day our Planet Earth managed to deteriorate to such a level due to the great pollution that is currently being experienced, what kind of future would await us? Of course, the answer to this question will be no and that’s because human beings often don’t become aware of the value of the things that surround us in our shorter life. 

This is often seen in the care of our common home, the Earth, in the amount of garbage that we throw away every day without stopping even the slightest feeling of sadness or guilt for it, and above all the devaluation that we give it every day when defining it as something ours that should be declared as a good rather than something that was given to us by cosmic shocks of destiny. That’s the reason why with my project I not only want to explain and substantiate the existence of a planet that is totally strange and interesting to analyze but also the importance of changing our thinking and acting so that we don’t become devourers of planets that only seek to satisfy their power needs. In reality what I really want is to substantiate the idea that whatever the planet would be like, if not we soon change our way of acting we will experience the same fate as the Earth in terms of its destruction.

That is why, taking all these ideas into account, I will create a totally strange new exoplanet model that will turn everything previously known upside down regarding the physics and biochemistry of our planet.

The name of humanity's next hope will be HOHID, an exoplanet that orbits around the nearest dark hole to Earth called Gaia BH1 which would lead it to contain a life based on silicon, without oxygen, full of diamond-like solids filling the surface, with a totally challenging climate and with lakes of liquid methane that would serve as a source of life for beings similar to LUCA, the first single-celled organism on Earth that would bring with it microorganisms with characteristics equivalent to those of diatoms, an aquatic microorganism whose main source of life is silicon. 

Underwater catastrophe or beauty

And that's not all since being close to a black hole means that the night sky would be 100,000 times brighter than ours, and it would cause extreme heat on the surface of the planet that would orbit approximately 1 light year from it so that It can survive, in addition to its obliquity being very different from that of the Earth, preparing a challenging space for any living being but not impossible.

Finally, I invite you to hold on to your seats to venture on a journey of no return to HOHID in which you will blow up even your last neuron in search of the improbable but not impossible trip.

Let’s begin with the direction of our spaceship that will take us towards 1,560 and 3,800 light years away from Earth, heading to the constellation of Ophiuchus and the constellation of Centaurus respectively, in this way, we will find Gaia BH1, the nearest black hole from the earth that will challenge to any other star in a milky way bring us the amazing experience to enter its surroundings and see the famous planet HOHID, where a year consists of approximately 21,958,868 days, a totally impressive fact compared to our Earth since we must take into account that so that our beloved exoplanet doesn’t get destroyed, it is one light year from its orbit and in this way it can resist the amount of heat and light that penetrates with great ease, that means, it converts it 100,000 times more than our planet, but this will not stop him on his path to success in survival since as we can see through the windows of the ship, it has an rocky and gray surface.

Climate a blackhole?

What we need to observe are the millions of crystals formed by dioxide silicon that represent lakes and puddles of liquid methane that serve as lagoons or water sources like on Earth. 

That's why the time has come to land in HOHID, but don't forget to bring your glasses and hats as the burning heat awaits us. 

When we land we realize that everything is different and it seems like a science fiction story since nothing is what it seems and without realizing it we find ourselves in a puddle of liquid methane, considered as a galactic elixir for the existence of living beings on this planet since with the naked eye we can observe tiny microorganisms that move within this liquid mass called "Dihanomias" that have a body similar to that of beetles that allows them to protect themselves from high temperatures and sink into the depths of the rocks to live, that’s why much of their life they live there without anyone bothering them. So after seeing these fantastic little friends, we will be able to observe a little more tiny but equally fantastic beings called "The Luca Hohidianos", a bacteria that is considered the basis of life on this planet, that produce hydrocarbons that incorporate silicon in a protein chain present in their Extremophilous organisms within the hydrothermal vents of HOHID, which little by little makes life prosper and more types of life evolve that are not only unicellular but also multicellular, but we will see this a few million light years later. In this way we can advance a little more slowly and calmly since on this planet there is no time when the light of the black hole disappears, so if we take off our exploration helmet we will surely die fried like fried chicken.

Suddenly we feel a small tremor produced by the weak gravitational environment produced by the black hole as it manages to deform the structure of space-time which makes our trip much more extreme and wild. After all, we only have to admire the beautiful landscape that forms the brilliance of the environment that creates a photo for our Instagram that everyone will envy. That is why we have to go back to our planet, and thanks to this great little trip, I am sure that we will begin to value it more every day so that we never go on a one-way trip to Hohid.



Exoplanet Catalog | Discovery – Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System. (2021, March 22). Exoplanet Exploration: Planets beyond Our Solar System.

‌Strange New. (2020, November 9). Exoplanet Exploration: Planets beyond Our Solar System.

Canadian Space Agency. (2022, June 21). Canada’s NIRISS reveals steamy atmosphere of distant planet in detail. Canadian Space Agency.

‌Schulze-Makuch, D. (2013, October 24). Is Silicon-Based Life Possible? Smithsonian Magazine; Smithsonian Magazine.

‌Paul Scott Anderson. (2016, February 3). “Cauliflower” Silica Formations on Mars: Evidence of Ancient Life? - AmericaSpace. AmericaSpace - for Space Explorers.

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