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What are the current issues associated with rising sea levels, and what are their potential solution

Written by Masao Sueyoshi

Edited by Hanna Karasinska, Emil Koch, Anvi Kedia, & Kashish Raj

sea level rise; land danger
Designer: Shravani Prashant Powale

Sea level rise has become one of the most urgent problems of our time that must be addressed; thus, it is essential to understand its implications and possible ways to address it. Let’s dive into it.

Between 2006 and 2015, sea level rose by 3.6 mm per year on average, 2.5 times higher than the rate of rise from 1901 - 1990, illustrating the magnitude of rapid sea level increases [1]. So what causes rising sea levels?

Most importantly, when sea levels rise, the habitable land area decreases - forcing residents to migrate. For example, some Tuvaluans (People who live in Tuval) have already migrated to New Zealand. The island started becoming uninhabitable due to climate change and rising sea levels around 1998. Soon after, the Tuvalu government requested that Australia and New Zealand accept Tuvaluan nationals if an unfavorable situation should emerge. While some people could migrate with the permission of the New Zealand government, unfortunately, the criteria for this have been set high, such as a decent level of English and a specific standard for annual income, which made legal migration impossible for most Tuvaluans.

Looking ahead, people will no longer be able to live in coastal areas and small islands unless humankind undertakes global endeavors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which can improve the future of sea levels. Momentarily, people can migrate like some of the Tuvaluans; however, eventually, these regions may disappear and initiate mass migration with far-reaching political, economic, and social implications.

Here is what you can do to start change!

energy, bicycle, recycling
Designer: Shravani Prashant Powale

  • Save Energy at home! - Especially in those that consume a lot - such as air conditioners, lighting fixtures, and televisions.

  • Avoid using cars and use bicycles or public transport as much as possible.

  • Lower the temperature when showering.

  • Try to avoid buying over-packaged products.

  • Integrate more plant-based food into your diet.

  • Reduce buying from fast fashion brands.

  • Plant trees!

If any of these seem feasible to you, you can try them in action! If not, you can adapt those and research your own methods of saving the environment and reducing sea levels.

The issue of sea level rise is tremendously important.

We all should do as much as we can to solve the issue of climate change.

If we work together, we will be able to look ahead with reduced worries about rising sea levels and the future of our environment.




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